Why Crowd-funding is a better option to raise funds vis-a-vis the conventional methods?

  • Funduzz.com or your Patrons do not expect for a share or ownership in your final product. It is your baby and you will have 100% ownership of your product and creativity. We are more than happy to have been able to help reach your funding goals and complete your project. The only expectation the Patrons have from you are the rewards that you promised to them and for Funduzz.com it is the basic platform fees that we charge.
  • You have complete creative independence and Funduzz or your Patrons do not coerce you to anything that you don’t want. Nor do we force any of our ideas into your project. We will help you if and only when you need us!
  • You have 100% ownership of your brand and name, and it will not be under the brand or production of Funduzz.com. We would also patronise your project on Funduzz.com pages when we are marketing Funduzz.com in different media. This further aids your brand marketing.
  • You can come again and again on Funduzz.com to raise funds for your other creative ventures, but there will never be a binding contract on you to do so.
  • You do not have to repay back the funds raised or any interest on the same, unlike in case of loans. The only thing you are obliged to do is, to keep your promise of completing your project and sharing the rewards with your Patrons.

To see how Funduzz.com works visit – How it Works

How will Funduzz.com, help you in your latest creative or innovative venture?

  • Funduzz.com would be a window through which your fans can have glimpses of your creative final product as it takes shape through your regular updates.
  • You can leverage the social media to invite all your family, friends and followers, in addition to other members of Funduzz, to fund and support your project.
  • You can build a community of your fans and Patrons –
    • Those who really like your idea will support it by making financial contributions to help you reach your funding target.
    • Others who cannot provide financial support can help you in spreading word about your project through various social media
  • Many other unknown people will also become your supporters if they like the idea and the rewards offered in exchange for their financial contributions.
  • Your Patrons will be your true supporters and will stand with you for your venture throughout your journey, as they are not there just to press ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ on a post, they are in for the real thing and truly believe in you!
  • You can keep your Patrons posted about the progress of work even after the fund raising campaign has been closed as they will be more than keen on knowing when the project is completed. It helps in building a trusted genuine fan following.

To understand how Funduzz.com works visit – How it Works

Crowd funding guidelines for successful fund raising

Crowd funding

Tips for successful crowd funding

To Crowd fund your ideas is not an easy task. You are actually asking people to give away some of their money for supporting your idea! Some basic guidelines for crowd funding which would make the entire process a lot simpler and help you in achieving your dreams is as below:

  1. Plan, plan and plan – We can’t overemphasize on the need for planning. You need to have a plan for your project and how you want to go about giving shape to your idea. Your patrons and supporters would want to know in detail what they are contributing towards. Have a clear vision, articulate how you are going to use the funds raised and also set timelines for the project completion.
  2. Tell an Engaging story – It is your story that will draw your audience towards your project for funding. Make it as engaging as possible. You may be so close to the idea already that you may know it inside out. However, you shouldn’t forget that anyone who is new to it, needs it sold to them. Using videos and photos is a great approach, and you should always assume that the people you are pitching to are starting from a position of zero knowledge on the matter. If they aren’t, then they will be able to skip over the parts they are already familiar with anyway.
  3. Shorter the duration of campaign, more is the impact – Focus all your energy into raising funds for your project and let the fund-raising window be not more than 30 days on an ideal basis. Long fund raising campaigns lose out the momentum and makes a weaker impact on the audience. It has been seen that the highest contributions come in the 1st two weeks and the last week of any campaign. So you can understand the impact of having a 4 week campaign.
  4. A picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth ten thousand words – Since you cannot meet every member of your audience personally, use video and digital media for presenting a short 2-3 minute clipping to present your idea. You don’t need to be a pro for making a video. Use basic camera or even your web-camera to tell an engaging story to your audience. Introduce yourself, tell about your project, what you seek to achieve, how you plan to use the funds raised and any other interesting points for your project.
  5. Reward your patrons – Crowd funding is different from charity or donation. You need to reward your patrons for the financial support they extend. Rewards can be a powerful incentive that attracts people to fund and support your project. Make sure the rewards are exciting and have a fair economic value some personal touch! Also make sure that you have a variety of items or services that people will want. It is important that you offer rewards for all the funding levels. Having interesting rewards in the lower funding levels is important as you might get maximum Patrons in this level.
  6. Be persistent and transparent – You have to be persistent with your objective of raising the funds for your project. Your audience needs to see your level of persistence. Keep your Patrons and supporters updated about the progress of your project and set realistic timelines to ensure that the rewards are given and project is completed. Transparency is crucial with rewards so be sure to set expectations with your audience before you pitch. Make sure shipping options and delivery schedules are clear. Keep in mind the time it will take for items to be produced, payments to process and for delivery.
  7. Leverage the power of Social Media – Make the social media platform an enabler for your project. Entrepreneurs begin to gain acceptance for their projects by reaching out directly to family and friends and “friends of friends” to build a funding base that validates the project. In many ways, this can be a golden token of approval for your project’s success. If your project is funded early by family, friends, and “friends of friends”, then the greater audience of strangers will more likely be attracted to your project. In addition, as funding gains momentum, plan to target bloggers and influencers who have an audiences of their own who may also further broadcast your project, potentially leading to more patrons. Some of the successful campaigns we have seen are the ones which are more active on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc. These social platforms may even help you make your project go viral. So, even when the main project owner is not doing the pitching, the supporters are!
  8. Keep posting regular updates – All your patrons and investors would want to know how their money is being used. Keep them posted regularly with updates at every stage of the progress of the project during and after the fund raising.

Crowdfunding PR, Social Media & Marketing Campaigns

Need help planning a Crowdfunding PR or marketing campaign? Crowdfunding PR writes professional Crowdfunding press releases, social media plans and marketing programs for Crowdfunding Campaigns! Call us at (512) 627-6622 or see "Crowdfunding PR Campaigns" below!


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